Falling for [Adventure]


[Adventure 229]

Like, literally falling.

It was not an adventure I wanted to go on. I simply wanted to see if my twenty-one year old wanted to go swimming in our pastor's pool. 

I headed down the basement stairs to her room. Two thirds of the way down, my right knee decided it wanted to impersonate the knee of a flamingo. Knocked off balance by such a display, my left leg tried to make up for the imbalance, but quickly found it futile and just said no to the whole holding one's body upright thing. Right knee, realizing its mistake, launched itself in the other, correct, direction, but over corrected. 

And this is where it gets fuzzy. I somehow went from three stairs from the bottom to the bottom in a manner that seemed to solely involve the toes of my right foot until I hit the floor whereupon my lower body ceased forward movement, but my upper body did not and slammed shoulder first into the wall, dislocating said shoulder and ramming my hand into the floor, dislocating my thumb in the process. I was momentarily silent as I realized the severity of my shoulder dislocation and instinctively popped it back into place, whereupon I let out a noise that signaled to my entire household that something incredibly painful had happened. While my teen and young adult children were running to my aid, I popped my thumb back in while I continued to make some sort of painful wailing sounds in an effort not to utter a very loud string of profanities. 

My children helped me up and up the stairs and into bed, asking repeatedly whether or not they needed to call their father. Once we decided that ice and rest and re-evaluation once by body calmed down were in order, they got me pillows and ice and even helped me make an iced macchiato. Then, as we do when someone is injured and in the hospital-or-not phase, we decided on something to watch on tv (Bones ... of all things!) and relax for a bit.

Eventually the macchiato drinking led do the need for the use of the bathroom, and upon limping there I ascertained that x-rays were definitely in order. A phone call to my husband and texts with my pastor led to the plan for him to come home and take me to the ER and the two teens who wanted to swim going to Pastor Rachel and Julie's house for swim. 

The ER experience was an adventure in itself. Long story short, nothing is broken, I'm out of commission for a few days until I see an orthopedist for my shoulder and foot, and then we'll go from there. 

When I mentioned to one of my children that I just wanted to curl up in bed for a few days, this wasn't exactly what I meant.


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