Learning is Always an [Adventure]

[Adventure 238]

I made a website for a nonprofit I volunteer with the other day. I chose an inexpensive, easy to use site to host the website and spent a few hours learning the ins and outs of different aspects of the website. 

Admittedly, I didn't spend much time researching where to set up the website. I was basically looking for low cost or free, as we're not sure how well a website will serve our organization. If it proves to be an invaluable resource, I'll better research cost-effective options for nonprofits that provide the features we figure out that we need. 

Had I ever created a website before? No. Did I jump right in anyway? Absolutely. 

Years ago, I would have been to worried about messing things up to volunteer to do such a thing, but if there's one thing my children and my life experiences since having children have taught me is that mistakes just mean you get another "take" at things - another opportunity to do something right. And you get as many takes as it takes to succeed. We're not meant to do things right the first time. Learning is a process which includes failure. And we're more apt to learn from our failures than our successes. 

Learning is always and adventure, so jump right in. Worst case scenario, you learn that you're not interested in learning or doing the thing. Best case - you gain knowledge, you gain a new skill, or you learn something about yourself in the process.


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