[Adventures] in Using OCD Powers for Good

[Adventure 218]

It was a normal few days. It seemed normal except for some reason my OCD was on high alert. I wasn't feeling very well physically, but needed to do things to keep me occupied. 

What do I do in these circumstances?

Laundry. I do laundry.

But there was a problem. We have a super high capacity washing machine and we usually keep up with the washing and even when we don't, it doesn't take much to catch up. I quickly finished washing anything I could think of that needed to be washed. Then it hit me - my daughter, who was at her fiance's house, had a ton of laundry that needed to be done in her room due to clean and dirty clothes getting mixed together in a rush to clean up. Perfect!

I washed, dried, folded, paired socks, and did all the things to make sure that when they arrived home, they would find all their clothing and blankets and footie pajamas ready to be worn. 

Sometimes having OCD works well for me and those around me. I had the pleasure of doing something nice for my daughter and she reaped the benefits of the Maternal Laundry Service.


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