More Doctors [Adventure]


[Adventure 225]

Doctor appointments are never straight forward for me. 

I recently went to my neurologist. My appointment went something like:

Doctor: You need to see the neurosurgeon. Have you seen the neurosurgeon? / What's going on with you? / Anything new? 

Me: No, it's complicated. / Still weakness on left side. / Now strange muscle contractions along my left side. And it's been feeling like my ears are full of fluid. 

Doctor: I'll put another referral in for the neurosurgeon. I spoke with him. It shouldn't be an issue. / *does neurological tests and checks ears* / I'm not sure what I'm seeing. I need to refer you to an ENT doctor. You have a hole in you ear ... where one isn't supposed to be... and ... I'm not sure what I'm seeing.

Me: Huh.

Doctor: It seems like all our appointments consist of you telling me about new symptoms and/or me finding new issues. 

Me: The last thing I thought I'd find out at my neurology appointment is that I have a hole in my ear!

Doctor: When should I see you again? Four months? Five months? Let's go with four?

Me: Four is good.

Doctor: Hopefully we'll have more answers by then. And not more problems.


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