Hurricane Preparation [Adventure]
[Adventure 239]
I'm writing this sitting at my parents' dining room table on Saturday night, before Henri makes landfall in Connecticut. Four of my children and myself are weathering the storm with my parents while my husband and twenty-one year old batten down the hatches at home.
To say I'm worried is a dramatic understatement. I have enormous anxiety about the safety of my house and the people in it. I'm not to stressed about our safety here, more worried about logistics and keeping everyone relatively sane and entertained and not stressed.
We've done what we can to prepare for the storm.
My husband and children got the yard squared away, which was no small feat considering we disassembled our deck a week ago and have not had time to sort, cut down, stack, and store the good boards and get rid of the not so good stuff. For the past couple days my husband has been cutting up boards, burning wood, the kids have been stacking the good boards, and they've loaded my van twice with items for the transfer station.
I've made two runs to the transfer station to dump stuff - and two runs to Dunkin' to get pumpkin spice goodies. And I packed waaaay too much nonperishable food to bring to my parents' house, along with games, a puzzle, books, my computer, a battery pack for charging phones, lights, batteries, medication, and various other items.I baked three loaves of gluten free pumpkin bread whilst sipping a pumpkin macchiato.
And I created a Hurricane Hymn Sing video for church. I made sure to upload it before heading to my parents' house, as our internet is ridiculously fast and my parents' is not.
Tonight I will try to sleep. I'm fairly sure that tomorrow night will be a different story, unless this storm is kinder and dissipates more quickly that predicted. But for now I'm going to make sure my children are settled in, find myself somewhere to sleep, and find something to entertain myself until sleep comes.
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