Some [Adventures] are Messy


[Adventure 222]

We make messes in my house. Lots of them. Most of the messes in our shared living space are creative messes, whether it's cooking or painting or sculpting or making or sewing or many of the other things we love to do. 

One thing my friends know is that if they drop their children off at my house for any amount of time, most likely we're going to create something ... usually a mess. And art. 

I love watching children of different ages make art. Some are very systematic. Some simply explore the medium they're given. All learn as they create. 

Recently, two redheads visited while their mom took their older sibling to an appointment. They started out watching a movie with my youngest child and then I invited them to paint, since I was going to be painting as well.

I grabbed a plastic egg carton out of the recycling, putting some paint in each well, put a variety of brushes out, some water for rinsing brushes, and grabbed some wooden heart picture frames that have been hanging out on a shelf for a while. We found a t-shirt and a hoodie for our guests to wear over their clothing, and the fun began. 

My child, who has taken art classes and done lots of painting in their life was blending colors as they chatted with the younger two. The younger child created a rainbow, with an excellent eye for spacing, ensuring enough room for the repeating colors. The youngest tried out all the colors, commenting now and again about the new colors created, perhaps excited the most about the brown color that was somehow conjured as if by magic. There may have been a poop reference, as the child is five, after all. 

We are holding onto these treasures as they dry, and they will be awaiting the next visit by these delightful gingers. May they never lose their adventurous spirits when it comes to creating beautiful and amazing things!


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