The [Adventure] That Is My Life

[Adventure 241]

The other day was a good example of what my life is. 

I barely slept, falling asleep after midnight and waking probably hundreds of times throughout the night. It was torturous at best.

My husband woke me shortly after he got up at 5:30AM to give me a heat pack for my back and my thyroid medication. I'm sure he tried to wake me an hour later to find out what I wanted for breakfast so I could eat and take the rest of my morning meds, but it probably took a couple tries. I fell back to sleep and had to be awakened to eat said breakfast.

After breakfast and caffeine, I realized I had to go to physical therapy and needed a shower. Upon emerging from the shower, I realized I hadn't actually taken my morning meds. I took them and finally was ready to leave the house.

Physical therapy done, I answered a few texts and emails before heading to get my third doze of the covid-19 vaccine. Arriving before they opened, I ran a couple errands in nearby stores before depositing my bags in my van and getting in line for the vaccine. As happens, I started chatting with the woman ahead of me in line and somehow the topic turned to autism. I mentioned I have two "children" on the autism spectrum and answered her questions and dispelled a few common misconceptions. 

Sitting and doing my fifteen minute post-vaccine wait, I chatted with my husband on the phone and answered more texts and emails. 

Soon I was on my way toward home. It was now early afternoon and I was starving, but decided to run one more errand before going home. After that errand, I stopped for a fall-flavored caffeinated beverage or two. Upon waiting for the autumnal concoctions, one of the employees, who appeared to be coming in for their shift or back from break, enthusiastically told the other employees about coming out to their roommate, who came out as well. They then noticed me standing there waiting and apologized ... for what I'm not completely sure, but I assume for public queerness, maybe? I said it wasn't a problem at all - and congratulations. I mentioned I live in an incredibly queer household, where of the seven of us, one is a cis straight person and the rest of us are some sort of queer. They asked if I minded if they asked a few questions, and of course I obliged. 

Once home, my hunger, pain, and exhaustion hit full force. I heated up leftover pizza, curled up in bed, ate, updated an image for church and emailed it to our church administrator. By this time I had a little over a half hour until a webinar on the Afghan Crisis I'd signed up for. I set my alarm, laid down, put on the last twenty minutes of the episode of Bones I'd been trying to finish for the past three days, and almost immediately fell asleep. Waking to my alarm, I jumped online for the webinar. 

As I watched, I shared the livestream on our refugee resettlement ministry's social media, helped people troubleshoot being able to watch it, and answered messaged questions from inquisitive friends about why I was sharing this particular webinar. 

My husband arrived home from work as the webinar ended. Realizing that it was our children's night to make dinner and that none was being made, I called a family meeting and attempted to get the dinner plans for the next few weeks sorted.

I updated a few items on the refugee resettlement ministry's website, created some images for their newsletter, and worked on some church social media images. Then I ate breakfast for dinner and settled in to watch Dimension 20 Misfits and Magic (Dungeons and Dragons) with a couple of my children and my husband. 

Soon it was time for bed. My husband was asleep in seconds. It took me hours to fall asleep. And then I must have woken up hundreds of times...


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