Their [Adventure] Begins

[Adventure 217]

My nineteen year old (on right in photo) ventured out as a chaperone on a mission trip with our friend Pastor Brian Rajcok and four teens from his congregation. 

They met at 7AM on a Saturday in the parking lot of the church and loaded the rented fifteen passenger van with clothes and bedding and lots and lots of snacks. Soon they were on the road to North Carolina to help rebuild damage done by a hurricane. 

I received a call from Austen at 1:39PM saying they had found an exit in Pennsylvania that had a Five Guys, among other fast food places, and decided it was a good place to stop for lunch. Austen was overjoyed to find out that, as a chaperone, their meals were paid for.

A text nearly six hours later revealed they had reached North Carolina and still had two hours and forty minutes of travel to go. 

They are excited for whatever is to come over the next week...getting to know the teens, exploring the area, getting to work helping rebuild, and having some fun in the process. 

And this Mama's adventure begins - an adventure of keeping OCD worrying to a minimum ... mostly worries about my child's (and everyone else's) safety with the delta variant spreading like wildfire. 

I can barely wait to hear what adventures are to come...


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