Photogenic [Adventure]

[Adventure 215]

This child does not like to have their picture taken, except when they do. As a result, they do things like putting their hoodie on backwards and putting their hands behind their back as in the photo above. Yes, Eris is facing me in that photo. 

Occasionally I get the eyeballs peeking out from over the pillow or whatever object they've grabbed to put in front of their face.

Many times I get the duck and block photos with arms in one interesting position or another. 

And then there are the times when they volunteer to have their picture taken. A disproportionate number of times, the camera refuses to focus on them and the photo comes out blurry.

Nevertheless, these days, I'll take what I can get. This is who this child is - backwards hoodie, flailing arms, or blurred image - I will treasure the memories ... and the photos. 


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