Mission [Adventure]

[Adventure 223]

On the road for something like fifteen and a half hours, they arrived, exhausted, sometime after 11:30PM. Sleep came quickly to most. 

The next morning, it was breakfast, then 11AM worship. They would soon learn how they could be of service to others over the following three days - and quickly come to the conclusion that their assigned tasks were beyond their abilities. Nevertheless, it seemed God had other plans for them, and Pastor Daisy and Facts of Life church were about to get greatly needed assistance. 

Over the next three days, the group cleaned up graffiti, the kitchen, and the property after a small storm. They moved things and organized things and packed hygiene bags. They loaded, transported, and unloaded food in preparation for food distribution day, during which they handed out food and hygiene bags to over one hundred families. 

During their downtime, they walked the boardwalk at Myrtle beach, visited Lake Waccamaw, and ended their trip with a beach day. 

They packed up Thursday evening in preparation for an early start on Friday. 

It was wonderful experiencing this trip through my nineteen year old child's eyes and words ... through text messages and photos taken with their cell phone. The running theme seemed to be that it was hard but good, inspiring, fulfilling, soul-nourishing work. Austen had good conversations with amazing human beings and experienced things that will stay with them as they continue their journey through this adventure we call life. 


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