Bendy or Broken [Adventure]

[Adventure 141]

One of the things about having a hypermobility disorder is that I tend to bend and not break. I dislocate joints easily, so what would be a break for a normal person tends to end in dislocation and not break for me.

But there are times when I accidentally do things to my body and am not sure if things have merely been dislocated or are broken. Take my toes, for example.

Last night I rammed my toes into the leg/wheel of a large computer chair. the top parts of two of my toes were pointing up, clearly not ok. After a lot of trying not to scream or yell or cry, I sat down and yanked them back into place. I immediately iced them...and continued playing Dungeons and Dragons with my family. 

In that circumstance, I didn't take the time to play a round of Bendy or Broken. They were just toes, after all. I have, however, fallen and had to go to the hospital for a rousing game of Bendy or Broken to determine if my hip was partially dislocated or broken ... and have had more than one bendy child whose doctors couldn't determine if something that was definitely out of place and then popped back in had just been dislocated or was actually broken. We had a fifty fifty split of six healthcare professionals tell us one child's fingers were and were not broken, only to be sent to a specialist who said they weren't completely sure. We're not quite sure who won that game.


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