[Adventure] Has A Backstory


[Adventure 134]

We play Dungeons and Dragons in our household and with friends. Our eldest child started dm'ing a campaign in 2020  and this year we're adding two more campaigns - an evil campaign dm'ed by Zephyr and a CAMPaign dm'd by Eris and Skye. 

The other day Eris and I were working on my character for the evil 5e campaign. I had chosen to play a gargoyle a while ago and we were trying to determine if my gargoyle was a barbarian, a fighter, or a monk. Eris asked me what I wanted my gargoyle to do and my response was, "I want to boop things. Hard." He explained the benefits of being a barbarian and then I asked, "What does a monk do?" His response - "Monks boop things. A lot. They're probably the boopiest of the classes." A monk it is!

We continued working on stats and character development. Part of that is creating a backstory. We determined that my gargoyle was guardian of the abandoned cathedral that became the base for the evil adventuring party and that they had been stuck there for hundreds of years with a vampire who was bound to the graveyard on the cathedral's grounds. Theirs is an Odd Couple / Grumpy Old Men-esque relationship. The gargoyle delights in people's suffering, so bides his time endlessly playing the bagpipes just to annoy the vampire. 

While creating the backstory, Eris commented that my character should have a pigeon. Things snowballed from there. Alex chimed in suggesting, "What if it was a sorceress pigeon?" The result of this longer than it should have been brainstorming session was the creation of a Phoegeon. The phoegeon rides atop my gargoyle in its nest. It can cast firebolt and acid splash cantrips (the former from its mouth, the latter from the other end), can use magic missile a certain number of times, and upon its death (either by being killed or being sent to its death) it casts fifth level fireball on its location. After dying in battle or if I roll a natural one for it during battle, it regenerates after 1d4 days. 

So that is my blood pact in this game - I give up my worldly possessions (except for my quarterstaff and bagpipes) in exchange for the phoegeon. 

Now I need to come up with a backstory for how the phoegeon came into being...


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