Complicated [Adventure]


[Adventure 146]

It seems to me that lately my responses to many political, religious, and cultural things posted on social media contains the phrase, "it's more complicated than that." 

It's more complicated than republican vs. democrat; conservative vs. progressive; capitalism vs. socialism; or one culture vs. another. There are so many factors that go into so many things. Most things are not black or white, there's a rainbow of options and opinions in between. 

But there are things that shouldn't be complicated. 

My body my choice should go for vaccines and reproductive rights and consent and transgender rights and so many things. If you support your choice of whether or not to get a vaccine, then you should support a woman's ability to have access to a safe abortion, should respect someone when they say no in any situation, and shouldn't have an issue with any changes a transgender or nonbinary or genderfluid or pangender person makes to their hormone levels or physical appearance. You shouldn't have a word to say about men wearing dresses or nail polish or makeup or women having short hair or wearing pants. You should be fine with people wearing burkas, hijabs, and similar garments. And you shouldn't be concerned with what's in anyone's pants. 


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