[Adventures] in Longing for Home ... When I'm Home
[Adventure 131]
I've been feeling off. Not myself. Sad. Homesick.
But I'm home.
I've been feeling this way for a while and couldn't put my finger on why. Then we went to Camp Calumet for Work Weekend. There, I got to chat with friends I hadn't seen in months, or even over a year. And on our way home I got to visit with one of "my kids" and catch up with him and give him a hug.
On the drive home I suddenly realized that I hadn't felt homesick all weekend.
I think my "homesickness" was a yearning for connection with friends and family that I haven't seen or chatted face to face with or hugged in over a year. I think it's also missing being in spaces and with people that inspire me and help me feel loved.
Most of all, I miss helping people in a tangible way. I miss hugging LGBTQIA+ teens and assuring them they are valid; feeding theater kids; teaching homeschoolers; making costumes and positive post containers; cooking for people @the table.
I miss seeing people's smiles.
I'm longing for connection, for affection, for interaction, and for community. I miss being an active and contributing part of something bigger than myself and my family.
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