[Adventure] is a Sign of Creativity

[Adventure 144]

My husband and I were asked to make a sign for the community garden at our church. My husband had the perfect piece of wood for it. I outlined the letters for him to carve, using a hole in the wood as the dot for the i. There were other holes, two after the "n" in garden which, to me, visually interrupted the flow of the words. 

As my husband and I discussed what we could do with the holes, we came up with different ideas. I thought maybe making them into a cross. He was thinking tree. As we continued talking, my vision of what it could be transformed into another project that might be as time consuming as the work we'd already put into the sign. 

So I sent my husband out to buy joining biscuits and then I got to painting. And gluing. And more painting and more gluing until finally I was satisfied.

Then came the process of applying epoxy for a waterproof coating and attaching the treetop to the sign. And don't forget the squirrel!

Finally all that was left was installing the sign in our church's community food garden. 


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