Caption [Adventure]

[Adventure 204]

When we go on adventures like the one we took to Squam Lake Natural Science Center, my children tend to take a lot of photos. On this year's excursion, Austen and Sophia were the main photographers. Looking through their photos, I thought some of them deserved captions...

"Not that it matters, but ... yes."

Oh, you really think so, do you?

"Oi! Ten thousand years...."

"We are all a little different, but there's something fantastic about that, isn't there?"

An Onyx in their natural plumage - a pride hat, omnisexual flag cape, rainbow mask, and holding a rainbow fan.

Chonky boi

They love each otter.

"You talkin' to me?"

“I'm going to rest my eyes for a moment. But go on. I am listening...”

He's kinda bashful, isn't he, mama?

Just a vulture flipping you off.


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