That One Time I Went to the Beach [Adventure]

[Adventure 197]

I went to the beach exactly once in the two weeks we were at Camp Calumet. 

The day we arrived was full of setting up two campsites and having a nervous breakdown and having a family dinner with my parents at our campsite.

The next day, my husband returned home and I spent a good portion of the day in bed in too much pain to move. And then a couple of my (adult) children came to me with a dire need to go to a store to procure certain personal use items which they had not predicted to need during their time at Camp, so off we went. 

Monday rolled around, and the two couples in the neighboring campsite (my children and their significant others) spent a good portion of the day at the beach. We were in the middle of a heatwave, so that made sense, as did a trip to the store to purchase more fans and an airbed to replace the one that kind of exploded. The little energy I had was expended on the shopping trip, 

Tuesday we went to the store mainly just to enjoy a little air conditioning during the hottest part of the day. Or was that Monday and Tuesday we went... I have no idea. I was exhausted. Nevertheless, it was too hot to move. For me, the thought of walking to the beach was too much. My pain levels were still astronomical and it was incredibly hot, so I really didn't want to do much more than read and nap.

Wednesday I refused to go to the store and indeed made it to the beach. It was glorious. 

The day was gorgeous, the water cool, but not too cold, and it was great just hanging out with and chatting with my bunch of young adults and seeing them enjoying themselves ... and driving each other a bit crazy. 

Somehow a couple of them were freezing cold upon emerging from the water. I'm not sure what that was about. 

What I remember most about that time at the beach is the peace I felt upon entering the water, and the relief from the heat and from a bit of the pain. The waters of Lake Ossipee soothed my body and my soul that day. 


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