[Adventures] in Making Do

[Adventure 186]

As a family of seven existing on one income at the moment, we make do with what we have. 

We use jars as glasses. I used to have a ball jar lid insert made specifically for using as a sippy cup or for use with a straw. It somehow disappeared.

But never fear! There's a drawer in my kitchen where lids live. I keep various lids just in case a lid breaks or cracks. When I couldn't find my "straw lid" for my iced macchiato the other day, I opened the drawer and a green masterpiece caught my eye. It was the correct size, had a hole that would perfectly fit my straw (ok, three holes!), and, should I not finish my iced beverage, I could close the lid and put it in the fridge for later. 

It may look a little strange, but then again, so do I. 


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