[Adventure] That Doesn't Go As Planned

[Adventure 194]

If there was one thing I was not going to do this trip to Camp it was go to the store every day. 

So, of course, we found ourselves making a run to the store on Sunday, then again on Monday. And then on Tuesday. But not on Wednesday because we'd already planned to go Thursday, along with the Laundromat and Wicked Fresh. 

Now, we were supposed to go tubing on the Saco River on Wednesday and then to Wicked Fresh, but that got cancelled on Tuesday due to low water levels, so we were just going to go to the store on Tuesday and then to Wicked Fresh, but discovered that Wicked Fresh is closed on Tuesdays. And it was late. And we were starving. So the young adults did what young adults do - they hopped on their phones and found us a place to grab some food that was minutes away and had non-dairy and gluten free options. 

Cheese Louise. That's the name of the AMAZING restaurant with delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. They were beyond good. My Southern Hippie had guacamole and bacon in it and the guac was molten. I had never experienced molten guac before. I had to let it cool for a while before enjoying it. We will be returning to Cheese Louise after a Sabbaday Falls hike next week, as we need to introduce Jim and Eris to the cheesy goodness. 

Our shopping trips yielded many fans for personal comfort while tent-camping in a heatwave, an airbed to replace the one that may or may not have kinda sorta exploded, and some much needed kitchen utensils. And huge artichokes, which I learned to cook in the instant pot and were incredibly delicious.

Although things didn't go as planned, things turned out for the best - and the tastiest!


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