[Adventure] 21

[Adventure 198]

She turns 21 today.

It's been an interesting year.

One year ago she celebrated 20 in a quarantine. This year we have the vaccine and things are opening up, but we still need to be incredibly careful. The delta and other variants pose a risk that not too many are taking seriously.

This past year has brought a name change. She is now Mal. The next year or two or three may bring another name change, but for now, that's who she is.

This past year for Mal has included poisoning her mother...


time at Calumet...

a little room redecorating complete with added electricity and a trip to Ikea...

Dungeons & Dragons...

a presidential election..


making new friends...

time in nature...


and so much more!

I look forward to seeing what the next year holds for her. 


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