New Year New Word [Adventure]


[Adventure 365]

My year of [Adventure] is over. It's time for a new word, a new theme, a new something for 2022. 

2021 was a year of medical appointments, medical tests, covid scares, Jim getting covid and the rest of our household trying not to. It was a year where I felt at times like I couldn't breathe; like there was no time to take a breath even on the days I was stuck in bed with a migraine. 

In 2022, I'm going to take [a moment] every day to stop, be present in the moment, and take in and appreciate life, beauty, goodness, and kindness ... and even recognize the sadness, ugliness, pain, and sorrow that are inevitable. To remember that all of it is the stuff of life and in order to experience life to the fullest we have to take it all in and grab it and live it. All of it. 

My hope is that each [moment] will help me put my life into focus, live mindfully, and serve as a reminder of the preciousness of existence. 


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