The Giving [Adventure]

[Adventure 356]

Gift giving is a challenge when it comes to my eldest child. When asked what he wants, there are a few video games he's interested in purchasing, but other than that, he says he's good. This was not helpful to his mother this year in particular, as his mother not only had to purchase a birthday gift for him, but also Christmas gifts and his "Christmas Angel" gift. His birthday is just days before Christmas. As in today. His birthday is today. 

And of course, as my life goes, I have the first of a series of infusions today. 

So for his birthday, he gets to sleep in. He gets a card containing gifts from us, from his PA grandparents, and from his great-grandmother. He'll also get to kick his entire family out of the house for a day sometime in the near future so that he can spend most of the day at home with a friend in relative peace and quiet. And a dinner of Wayback cheesy fries. 

So happy i'mnotgonnasaybutitsreallyold birthday, Alex!


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