The [ADVENTure] That Helps


[Adventure 355]

We had Christmas a week before Christmas. My sister and her (adult) children were visiting from out of state, my best friend was available the same weekend, as were my children's significant others, so we had Christmas a bit early.

On Saturday ("Giftmas Eve") some of us went to see the Nutcracker at the Warner Theater in Torrington, CT and then we spend the evening playing a one-shot "Night Before Wintermas" Dungeons & Dragons campaign. After that, we opened Christmas Angel gifts, stockings, and a few gifts from my kids' significant others. 

By the time we were done, I was barely holding it together. I was in immense pain and the left side of my body had all but ceased functioning. I was beyond exhausted. I barely remember getting ready for or into bed. I just remember the searing pain upon waking shortly after 2AM and the inability to move, as the left side of my body was now non-functional. I somehow made it back to sleep. I woke up probably about every twenty minutes or so until finally I gave up. 

I had regained some function and my head was no longer pounding, but I was exhausted and in pain. We had a busy day ahead of us: opening gifts with our kids, going to my parents' house for lasagna and dessert and more gift opening, and who knows what thereafter. 

Whenever my husband made an offer of help, I took him up on it, and continued to accept offers of help throughout the day. For me, it was a necessity. Taking hot pans of lasagna out of the oven when my left side wasn't functioning well would have been dangerous. 

The afternoon was spent eating good food, having good conversation, and just having some quality family time. It was wonderful and I seemed to be doing ok, and then it was like I hit a wall. I had to get on the road asap, as I didn't want to crash, literally and figuratively. 

Nestled in my bed with good food and good company, some of us began watching a holiday themed Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I didn't last long. I just couldn't stay awake no matter how hard I tried. I was utterly exhausted. At some point my husband woke me up so that I could take meds and get ready for bed. I struggled through all of it and sunk into bed, grateful for an amazing day and for the comfort of being helped along the way.

As a person with disabilities, getting the help I needed helped me to have a more meaningful holiday. 


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