Changing Our Christmas Eve [Adventure]

[Adventure 358]

Today is Christmas Eve, but it's our second Christmas Eve.

Our first Christmas Eve was this past Saturday. All five of our children and their significant others - so all seven of our children - were home. It went something like:

Prepping food, including a charcuterie board for later in the day, a meat lasagna and a vegetarian lasagna for Christmas Day (and a couple "bonus" lasagnas for the freezer), and a few other things.

Then some of us were off to the Nutcracker...

Then yummy food, good company, and Dungeons & Dragons...

Today, "real" Christmas Eve, our plans are a bit different...and a bit the same. 

Two of our children are at their significant others' houses and should be home at some point today. 

I'll be making food this morning for dinner tonight and for breakfast tomorrow.

We'll have a quiet-ish day, and then head to church for 5PM to rehearse for choir and then attend worship at 6pm.

We'll come home, have a late dinner, and then ... well...I'm not sure. Probably a family game night. 

It's a different kind of Christmas Eve, but that's ok. We got the bulk of the gift opening done during our first Christmas, which will thankfully make for a more intimate Christmas experience with family and friends. As our kids get older and we gain more family through in-laws, our plans will change and grow into new traditions. 


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