Birthday [Adventure]

[Adventure 264]

I'm 47 years old today. 

I'm not sure how I feel about that. There was a period of time when I didn't think I was going to live to see forty-seven. I still feel like I'll be lucky to make it to fifty. That will truly be something to celebrate. 

I mentioned to someone a while ago that I'd love to be old and gray someday. I don't know if I get to be that. None of us does, really. 

And this is why my family has the life that we do at the moment. I'm on a new medication that compromises my immune system and greatly decreases my ability to fight illness and infection. This means we don't go many places. We wear masks when we do. My (adult) children aren't working at the moment, but seek employment that doesn't put me at increased danger. We enjoy our time together. We create things, play games, go on adventures, and laugh - a lot. We treasure this time that we have together as we navigate what staying safe means to us. 

As I enter another year of life, it is my hope that this new medication will help my mobility and my ability to do more of the things I love. And that further testing and medical appointments will yield more answers and treatment options. 

It is my hope that a year from now I will be healthier physically, mentally, and emotionally. And that covid-19 will be a thing of the past ... or at least treatments for it will make it a manageable disease. And at the very least, that people will be kinder and more appreciative of what they have and what they can do in their lives. 

And that I'm able to seek out more adventures with the people I love!


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