Second Dose [Adventure]

[Adventure 106]

My second dose of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine was administered at 8AM. 

Six hours later, it felt like someone sapped the energy out of my muscles, especially in my arms.

Eight hours later, my cheeks were flushed and I was having trouble regulating my body temperature.

Twelve hours in, I just wanted to hibernate, but, besides being both hot and cold, wasn't feeling much worse than I do on a normal day. Except for my arms, which continued to feel strange. 

Overnight, the joint pain and swelling increased. Sleep was, for the most part, elusive. Even asleep, I dreamed of pain, which is not unusual, but the dreams were more intense. I'm usually in a lot of pain, but my body doesn't take kindly to vaccines and increases it beyond measure. 

The following day was spent in bed, sleeping on and off and binge watching Criminal Minds. I started pepping up a bit in the late afternoon, perhaps due to getting rest and lots of caffeine. I even got a worship video mostly edited and sent a few emails. 

And then my body rebelled. My lymph nodes, especially those under my left arm, decided to blossom. I felt like my entire body was swelling. 

Thankfully, sleep came more easily and more deeply for a portion of that night and I awoke still in more pain than usual, but not feeling quite so miserable. I got up, took a shower, painted some things, wrote a bit, and then realized how much that had taken out of me and nestled in for a bit of reading and more Criminal Minds. 

My energy levels plummeted by mid-afternoon and my joints and lymph nodes conspired to make me feel stiff and bloated. 

The next morning I didn't want to get out of bed for fear that things wouldn't be much better. Nevertheless, I eventually gave in, only to discover that I seemed to have more energy and less pain. I did a little cleaning and organizing and then settled into bed with a camp coffee, only to spill it on my comforter, blanket, and my husband's comforter. I threw them all into the washer and abandoned the idea of a caffeinated beverage for the time being. I accomplished a few things on my computer, put my comforter and blanket in the dryer, then made myself some lunch. After eating, I got one of my children to get my bedding out of the dryer and snuggled into my warm covers to watch another couple episodes of Criminal Minds. 

It's now evening and I'm feeling well enough to agree to drive children to their significant others' homes at different times tomorrow and to pick up food at church for a family in need. It will be good to get out of the house, finally, four days post-vaccine. 


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