New Start to My [Adventure]

[Adventure 101]

Life has been a rollercoaster for the past year and a half, with health struggles, a global pandemic, and things going on at home. Needing to let go of something to help make life less hectic and to make time to address my health concerns, I needed to take time off from the refugee resettlement ministry with which I volunteer. 

With a new president in office, lifted restrictions, and the independence gained by the family we resettled in 2019, the New Start Ministry is now working toward co-sponsoring a new family later this year. I've struggled with whether or not I want to or am even capable of helping out again this time around. Nevertheless, here I sit in a Zoom training for refugee co-sponsorship. 

This time in quarantine has allowed me much needed time away from doing things. It has gifted me perspective and helped me sort out my priorities. There are things I'd love to continue that have ended, including our homeschool co-op. There are things I love and look forward to returning to hopefully someday including @the table, worship, and Paint Nights at our church.  I look forward to my children jumping back into art and theater programs and getting together more often with friends. I look forward to Arts on Main with my husband. 

As I delve deeper into the world of refugee resettlement, I discover that I'd love to begin again with New Start Ministry if my body and brain allow me to do so. And as long as I have someone working with me who is capable of taking care of things when I'm not.

Sometimes you need the opportunity to take a step back from life to re-evaluate everything ... and get a new start on life based on what you feel called to do and what energizes you rather than what you feel you should be doing based on society or others' opinions. 


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