[Adventure] in Leaving


[Adventure 120]

We're going to Camp Calumet for the weekend to help with getting Camp ready for Family and Resident Campers. We will be doing things like raking, mulching, chopping wood, trail clearing, and whatever else is needed. And we are only able to do this because of the numerous precautions Camp Calumet has in place to keep us all safe. 

Only four of us are going. Three of our children, ages 21, 20, and 15, will be staying home. 

Here's my struggle. One has a significant other whose family is ultra-safe when it comes to covid exposure, they are vaccinated, and they rarely leave their house. My child is part of their "bubble" and the significant other is part of ours. The other person who is potentially visiting comes from a family with members with different views than ours about some things and may not be as safe as we are when it comes to potential exposure to covid. I need to leave it up to my adult child and his adult friend to determine what is safe while I'm away. 

My reality is that in order for me and my children with chronic illnesses to be safe, everyone in our household has to be safe. It breaks my heart to say to my children that I need anyone entering this house to be someone who regularly wears a mask, lives with people who regularly wear masks, and takes scientifically proven safety measures to avoid exposure to covid as much as possible. My children haven't seen some friends for over a year except via video chat. 

For my family and my situation, we need to be what some might consider overly safe. I know I can count on my husband to be super safe at work and I know his workplace has put numerous safety measures in place ... but I don't know what other families do. We've had potential exposure from a family we thought was being safe and potential exposure from a person who was absolutely not being safe and did not let us know. So I'm somewhat wary of anyone entering our house, as it's my safe space. 

So I'm leaving it up to my children to make good decisions and be responsible people.


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