Anniversary [Adventure]


[Adventure 118]

They've been going out for three years now. 

If I recall correctly, they met while in the cast of Beautiful Things at Epoch Arts and really got to know each other as Finn and Deegan in Unfinished People. 

Their relationship has survived many ups and downs, and through it all they have loved and supported each other. 

They survived five weeks away from each other when Austen was an L&S at Camp Calumet. 

They've figured out how to stay connected during a pandemic, and their relationship has only grown stronger. 

In a couple months Sophia graduates high school and then we're off to Camp Calumet, where Sophia and Austen will have two weeks together living in a tent before seeing what the rest of the Summer has in store for them. 

As Austen's mom, I love seeing the smile Sophia brings to Austen's face - a smile that comes from the heart and makes their eyes sparkle. 

They bring out the best in each other. They not only love each other, they love loving each other. 

Happy three years, Sophia and Austen! (Five days late, but give a mama a break!)


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