[Adventures] With Plato


[Adventure 93]

We were on our way to Plato's Closet when a visitor came out to play. I was going sixty-five miles an hour down the highway when a spider, whom we later named Plato, scurried across the inside of the windshield right in front of my face. The thirteen year old in the passenger seat, stated that should the spooder decide to make their way across the windshield to passenger seat territory, that said thirteen year old would yeet themselves (themself?) over the back of their seat into the seat behind them.  It was then that I decided to pull over to allow the child to change seats and to attempt to escort our eight-legged friend out of my van. 

The former was easily accomplished. The latter proved to be impossible, as Plato disappeared into the van's headliner. We continued to our destination with a few more sightings, and left the windows partway open in hopes that Plato would vacate the premises while we shopped.

A couple days later, on my way to pick up a friend to drive her to a medical appointment, Plato decided they were not a spider, but a parrot, and descended quickly from the ceiling of the van, past my right eyeball, and landed on my shoulder as I drove. I amazed myself by staying relatively calm while explaining to Plato that they were a little too close for comfort while I slipped my jacket off. I spent the remainder of the twenty minute drive convinced I was feeling a spider crawling on various parts of my body. Upon arriving at my friend's house, I thoroughly searched my van for the spider to no avail. 

I'm not sure where Plato is now, but I've asked them to kindly stay off of me and out of my line of sight while I'm driving. We shall have to wait and see whether or not they go along with my plan. 


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