How Do You Find The [Adventures]


[Adventure 117]

Someone asked me how on earth I can find adventure in every single day of my life. 

How? By seeing everyday things as an adventure. 

Playing games with you family? That's an adventure. Having a conversation with a toddler - that's definitely an adventure. Heck, depending on how badly my body is behaving, going from my bed to the sink to get a glass of water can be an adventure.

And if you're in need of an adventure, just think of how things can be an adventure if you just change your perspective. Let's take going to the grocery store - consider this...

When going to the grocery store, go alone. Don't tell anyone when you plan to return. You want to leave your options open for the greatest adventure probability.

On your way to the grocery store, listen to NPR or and audiobook or your favorite radio station or catch up on your favorite podcast. The store is only two minutes from you house, you say? Put those two minutes to good use and carry on listening once you get there.

In order to have maximum listening pleasure, stop at your favorite purveyor of beverages and treat yourself to one on your way to the store. Then you can sit in the relative peace of your vehicle, sip a delectable concoction, and continue listening ... or take out a book and catch up on some reading. 

When you are rested and refreshed, the real adventure begins. Yes, I realize it's just the grocery store, but it's you in a grocery store without anyone asking you for something or needing attention - enjoy it! Leisurely stroll to the entrance of the store, perhaps grabbing a cart on the way in. 

Go sightseeing. Explore the produce aisles. Discover new fruits and vegetables. Marvel at the colors and textures. Travel to foreign lands. Go from the USA to Mexico to New Zealand just by reading the "produce of" labels on fruits and vegetables. Explore the foreign food aisles.

Meet strangers - strange foods, that is. Find spotted dick and a lactic acid bar (yes, those are actual foods) and other strange and interesting foods. Perhaps pick up one or two foods you haven't tried before for a future culinary adventure.

Make new friends. If you're in the mood, chat with fellow shoppers. Thank the person stocking shelves. Compliment a parent who is shopping with kids about the amazing job they're doing.

Don't forget to actually get groceries. You'd look fairly silly arriving home an hour or two after you left without anything to show for it, so please remember to buy what you went to the store for in the first place.

Buy souvenirs. Some adventures require the purchase of something to remember them by, perhaps chocolate or hard cider or your favorite dessert.

Take time to reflect. One of the nicest parts of going on adventures is having time to reminisce about the most joyful and exciting parts. After putting your purchases in your vehicle, sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet...and the chocolate bar you couldn't resist at the checkout. Look up at the sky and watch the clouds. Breathe deeply.

Go home. Every adventure must come to an end. If you are feeling somewhat hesitant about returning home, take the long way. Give yourself time to transition from adventure mode to regular life. 

As you walk to your door realize this, a new adventure is just on the other side.


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