[Adventure] In Having A Nervous Breakdown


[Adventure 110]

There is this tune that plays through my head when my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is on overdrive, when I have too much to do, or when people around me are doing things that frustrate me and don't make sense. This tune is from somewhere, but I have no idea where. There are words to this tune in my mind, which I'm sure are not the original words to the tune: "I'm having a nervous breakdown, da da da da da da da." 

What doesn't help my having a nervous breakdown situation is the very fact that the original source of the tune eludes me. Or that my husband once announced that he'd discovered the source of the tune only to have forgotten it. So while having a nervous breakdown due to obsessive thoughts or a racing mind or other people's ineptitude, I have the added stress of a tune running through my head on repeat that I know I've heard before and can't place.

And when I wake up with the tune in my head, I know it's going to be an "interesting" day. 


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