What I Want Today [Adventure]

[Adventure 252]

I'm sad today. So many things are going on in the world. So many people dying, sick, seeking refuge, mourning. 

I'm sick today. I can't help but nap on and off. I can't seem to get much of anything done. I'm in so much pain my mind can't cope. When I'm awake, I'm on the verge of tears. When my body takes refuge in sleep, I dream of pain. 

All I want today is good news. Stories of helping and healing and lives lived well. I want a pumpkin spice iced macchiato or a cinnamon dolce hot macchiato. I want heating pads and ice packs and good movies and actual movie theater popcorn with tons of movie theater butter. I want a break from pain.

I want to not be constantly thinking about all the ways I wish I could help others. I want others to want to help, too. I want Becky's Cupboard's shelves to be overflowing with food, hygiene items, and paper products for the hundreds of people they help each month. I want people to join refugee resettlement groups and help them help others...or at least give to them to help cover the myriad expenses that go into helping families have a safe place to live and thrive. I want all youth to be able to go to Camp Calumet without finances being an issue.

As much as I want comfort for myself, I yearn for comfort and safety and hope for others. I want them to be safe and fed and know they are loved and accepted and cared for. I find it difficult to live in relative comfort myself when there are so many suffering. 

So I'll do what I can today. I'll take care of myself the best I can and I'll ask people if they want to donate and I'll do the volunteer work that I can do and I'll spread the word about amazing organizations that help people. 

Click here to help Becky's Cupboard! Or here. 

Click here to learn more about refugee resettlement!

Click here to learn more about Camp Calumet.


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