Nonstop [Adventure]

[Adventure 265]

I've been needing to do some painting for a while, and now that my deadline is near, my brain kicked into high gear and insisted I get at least some of it done the other day.

I got brief, but useful help from my youngest as they painted 20 little half popsicle sticks and I painted 200. Then I had leftover pain on my plate, so I painted a couple ornaments ... then a few more ... until I rain out of ornament blanks. 

I seem to do this a lot - putting things off because I simply don't feel inspired, and then spending the day doing the thing when I do ... even when I have other things I should be doing. And I put off doing essential things like eating because I'm going to paint just one more ornament. I started thinking about lunch at 11AM and ate at 2PM. That's just how my mind works - and it's definitely an adventure!


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