Noodle Cookie [Adventure]

[Adventure 259]

Reminiscing with my family about foods from my past, I commented that I missed "Chinese Noodle Cookies." These delectable tidbits from my childhood are the taste of late Summer or Autumn gatherings with family and friends. 

To make them, it needs to be cool and dry enough for the butterscotch to cool, and considering we didn't have air conditioning in my childhood home until after my sister and I moved out, we only made them in cooler weather. 

Some call them haystacks, but our Chinese noodle cookies contain butterscotch chips, chow mein noodles, and cocktail peanuts. They are simple to make, but I hadn't make them in years because I have celiac and chow mein noodles contain gluten. Or so I thought. 

Now craving these delights, I got onto the internet and found gluten free chow mein noodles for a price that was not completely unreasonable. I purchased three bags. 

It took me several more weeks to remember to get the butterscotch chips and peanuts ... and then to have the time and energy to make them. 

As I melted the butterscotch and mixed the ingredients together, the scent and sound transported me to my teenage years, whipping up a batch of these for my friends or for a family gathering - and to years later, making these with my young children. 

The taste of the first noodle cookie was heaven. It was totally worth the cost, the time, and the energy. And definitely worth the wait. 


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