Tag Sale [Adventure]

[Adventure 268]

Every year Epoch Arts in East Hampton, CT has a giant tag sale. This year was no different. 

The tag sale is mostly indoors, and the first room you enter is a Christmas lover's dream. I was excited to find a dozen new in package Christmas items that would be perfect for holiday bags my church will be putting together. 

In the furniture section, we scored three stools for a total of five dollars - a tremendous deal! We won't actually use them as stools, but rather as small tables for dinner or snacks while we watch movies. My husband found a javelin in there somewhere. He didn't buy it ... at least I don't think so.

In the main room, we discovered all sorts of treasures: bottles for potions; display racks; a ton of pleather, embroidery hoops, buttons ... even a time turner. 

I'm not sure how, but somehow we came home with a giant tie dye kit, an unreasonable amount of pleather, and a ton of potion-making supplies. And all the things mentioned above. And some other stuff. Honestly, I have no idea what the kids put in their bags, and therefore what I paid for in the end. 

Epoch's Epic Tag Sale is always and adventure. You never know what you're going to find. 


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