Doodle [Adventure]

[Adventure 249]

I doodle, craft, paint, etc. while I listen. 

Over the past month, I've done a lot of listening. I've attended multiple zoom sessions about the Afghan refugee crisis. I've attended three days of refugee resettlement training. I've participated in online medical appointments, watched recordings of past refugee resettlement sessions, and watched/listened to hours upon hours of Dimension 20 Dungeons and Dragons play.

While doing all of this listening, I've made dice ornaments ... dozens and dozens of them. I've folded laundry. I've doodled. Lots. 

While at physical therapy for my shoulder today, I was doing exercises that required me to hold onto handles and move my arms in different ways. My shoulder was in pain, but I found myself more concerned with my hands, which were incredibly painful through the session. Concerned until I remembered the three days of online training I'd just done and the three days of doodling and wire bending that went along with them. 

It seems my hands aren't used to doing that amount of fine motor skill work. Perhaps I should take a break ... but not until I'm done with the last forty-two or so dice ornaments I need to make. 


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