Power Outage [Adventure]


[Adventure 251]

The remnants of Hurricane Ida hit us hard. The ground still soaked from Henri and following storms, water had nowhere to go. It didn't help that the main road that connects with our dead end street had just been milled in preparation to be repaved, so storm drains were inches above the milled surface of the road. Sections of town were flooded. Trees and car accidents took out power lines. It was a huge mess. 

We lost power as I was cooking my lunch on the stovetop. Already not having the best of days, I gave up on lunch and did some cleaning, crafting, and attempted to read a couple chapters of a book, but took a short nap instead. By the time my husband took various backroad detours to find his way to our street, I was starving and cranky and just wanted food. Our options in town, already limited due to needing to eat gluten free, were even more limited due to businesses being closed due to power outages and flooding - and those that are open being overwhelmed by orders from people without power. 

We decided on Chinese food from one of our favorite Chinese restaurants that is incredibly celiac friendly, and happens to be in another town. We placed the order - and one for a small pizza for the non-Chinese food eating member of our family. 

As we all sat at the dining room table, we commented that we should eat together as a family more often. We used to do so on a regular basis, but during quarantine, it seems, we tend more towards going our own ways while eating dinner - some watching one thing together, some watching other things or chatting online with friends. 

Sufficiently stuffed, some of us decided to have a game night. 

And then the power came back on. 

I half expected my 13, 15, and 19 year olds to cancel game night and run off to chat with friends online, but was ever so thankful that they continued on with our original plan. We had a wonderful time playing Relative Insanity. We nearly died from laughing when we were ending our game play by putting random answer cards on face-down fill in the blank cards and this happened (not suitable for children under the age of 14 ... at least according to the game...)

Who would have thought a power outage was what I needed to get me out of my funk? Well, that, good food, and good company! Sometimes life's inconveniences can actually be just the adventure you need.


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