Eris's Sixteenth [Adventure]

[Adventure 260]

At 10AM the phone rang. My husband, standing next to the phone, answered. It was my sister, asking if we were still planning on going apple picking that day. He said he'd have to get back to her on that - we had a five minute old baby and were a bit preoccupied at the moment.

And so it began - our journey with our fourth child. A journey that has lasted sixteen years as of today. 

Over the past year, Eris has changed their name and has let it be known that he is pangender, using he, she, and they pronouns. 

They have grown from a smol child ... some sort of taller than her mama person with a deep voice. maybe the smol child photo wasn't exactly from this year ... but anyway...

During the last year, Eris has spent time at Camp Calumet in cabin and in tent...

... gone hiking...

...taken naps...

...and apparently is good at balancing things on their head.

She was one of our favorite Christmas tree ornaments.

They spent time with friends and family in many different places ...

...did puzzles...

...played games ...

... went the movies a couple times thanks to private theater rentals, got her first vaccine, created and helped create lots of Dungeons & Dragons characters, kayaked for the first time, played lots of Dungeons & Dragons, introduced his mother to lots of different youtube videos, and so much more. 

A year ago I never would have imagined their sixteenth birthday would have been spent in quarantine once again, but thanks to the delta variant and increased covid-19 cases, here we are. It's also difficult to believe Eris is sixteen years old, but here we are. They have grown and matured in leaps and bounds over the past year. I'm curious to see what the next year holds in store for them!

Happy 16, Eris!!!


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