[Adventure] in Forgiveness

[Adventure 66]

Someone cuts you off in traffic. Someone misinterprets your words or actions and holds them against you. Someone bests you or bullies you or beats you. How do you respond - with anger, or with forgiveness?

You do or say something to hurt someone else or that harms you. You regret what you have done. You have asked for and perhaps received forgiveness. Can you forgive yourself?

Forgiveness is often difficult, even challenging; sometimes painful, and always the right thing to do. Always. Everyone deserves forgiveness. You do. I do. Everyone does. We are all broken people, some to a larger degree than others. We all have pasts and influences and beliefs. Some of us have mental illnesses or were brought up in harmful belief systems. 

Holding onto anger and blame becomes a burden too difficult to bear - and only serves to punish the bearer. Forgiveness sets you free. Forgiving doesn't condone wrongs, it admits that Love is stronger than any hurt. Forgiveness can only be given no strings attached - with true Grace. 

Giving forgiveness heals your soul, sets you free - is for you just as much as it is for the other person - whether or not the other person is ready to receive it, ready to admit their wrongdoing, ready to repent and make reparations is up to them. Forgiving yourself frees you to live out Love and Grace for others. 

[Updated repost from post originally published on February 26, 2015]


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