Planning [Adventure] in a Global Pandemic

[Adventure 62]

I registered my thirteen year old for two weeks of Resident Camp at Camp Calumet in Freedom, NH as soon as registration opened. Like, that day. First thing. Even though Camp was months away and we were in the middle of a global pandemic. 

I also confirmed our two week campsite reservation at Camp Calumet Family Camp for the same two weeks. 

Now we begin planning. But planning looks different than it has in years past. 

We have a plan for things going as planned, with our child in two weeks of resident camp and the rest of us (minus my husband for a week) at our campsite.

We're making plans for resident camp being cancelled once again and all of us being at our campsite. 

And plans in case resident camp is cancelled and we have the opportunity as we did last year of spending our time or part of our time in a cabin by the lake. 

And plans for a travel ban making it impossible for my husband to join us and return to work without quarantine. 

Through this process, I'm trying to figure out what I'm prepared to deal with and where the balance is tipped between spending time at Camp and enjoying time at Camp. Two weeks tent camping in beautiful weather with the occasional sprinkle sounds perfectly doable to me, but, of course, we can't count on the weather. And that would also depend on whether or not my husband is with us for one of those weeks, as cooking over a fire isn't my strong suit and ordering out every day for two weeks isn't financially doable. A stormy week tent camping, especially thunderstorms, and I might go beyond my limit quickly if I'm on my own with a horde of children. However, in a cabin and stormy is definitely something I can do. 

No matter what happens, no matter what it looks like this year, we're planning to be at Camp. We're excited for our time there. And if things don't go to plan ... well, that's life! 


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