Organizing [Adventure]

[Adventure 74]

I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I LOVE love love love love to organize things. My children not so much. If there's one thing that's going to happen by the time this pandemic is over, it's going to be the organization of my house. We (I) have been going room by room and organizing and updating and rearranging. 

We started with the bathroom, which got a bit of a makeover. Then I made some changes in our living room, then the dining room, then the pantry. Needing a new washing machine also necessitated updating the laundry area. 

Then there are my children's rooms. Over the past year, everyone got a new bed and new mattress. One got a desk and a wardrobe. But I decided that things were going to change even more. All of my children are teens and young adults. Their bedrooms haven't been updated much in years. And my husband's clothes organization needed an update. It was time to measure, plan, and head to Ikea. 

At Ikea, we did our usual wander around, checking out all the options, making sure the products I'd selected online would meet our needs. Then we headed downstairs to grab a cart and two trolleys for our stuff. We filled the cart. And both trolleys. And grabbed a third trolley and filled that, too. Then we headed to the information desk to find out where one final item was. That had to be picked up at customer service, so order slip in hand, we headed to the register. 

After checking out, the teens and young adults headed to the van with one cart and three trolleys and I headed to customer service, where I picked up a fourth trolley containing our last item. One thousand pounds of items loaded into our van, and we were headed home. 

It's now the next day, and I have a garage full of Ikea boxes, children who still need to do a little work cleaning their rooms and getting them ready to reorganize, and I'm exhausted, but ready for the organizational adventure that awaits!


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