[Adventures] in Stuff


[Adventure 80]

We have a lot of stuff. 

We're a family of seven (or eight, or nine) who live in a three bedroom house and have many varied interests. We have a lot of stuff. We have art stuff, costuming stuff, special effects makeup stuff, soapmaking stuff, dissection stuff, puzzles, games, more games, even more games, musical instruments, books, polymer clay, cooking stuff, baking stuff, physical therapy stuff, crafting stuff, painting stuff, gaming stuff. 

We also have stuff that we've hung onto for years. My husband's 30 year old Envirothon t-shirt. My blanket from college. My kids' dolls, toys, horses, books, and stuffed animals that have been accumulating in their rooms. 

This past month we've all been going through all of our belongings and getting rid of all the stuff that no longer serves a purpose or brings us joy. We've donated clothing, toys, small appliances, kitchen items, books, decor, and so much more. We've given away things we once held dear in hopes that someone else will cherish them. Gone is the Envirothon t-shirt and blanket from college, the toy horses and Rainbow Fairy books. 

We've let go and made room. We're reorganizing. We've replaced outgrown or no longer functional furniture. Our living spaces are being transformed to places we can experience serenity, joy, and inspiration. 

And in the process we're undergoing a transformation of sorts. Letting go of stuff helps us not only clear out and clean up our physical spaces, but also our mental and emotional spaces.


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