
As the year draws to an end, I find myself revisiting life through my posts over the past year. I've shared thirty of them in this post - some of my favorite memories and messages and silliness. 
Reflection of my husband's eyes =
Captain Jack Sparrow eyes 

A year ago I was Looking Forward to 2012. Things didn't turn out as I'd hoped. My health is worse now than it was at this time last year. My brain isn't functioning normally - my memory is horrible. Some of the things I'd hoped to accomplished proved more difficult that I could have imagined. Yet some worked out better than I could have dreamed. I have to trust that everything worked out exactly as it was supposed to.

In January I learned to live With These Hands.

In February I had One of Those Days while trying to live with RA, which didn't quite happen Like Magic

In March I promoted Child-Free Vacations, relived childhood memories, and discussed such things as suicide, Prostitutes and Whores

April brought out the Heroes among us and asked How Do You Feel?

Beware! An Inflammatory Blog Post Pitting Parents Against Parents appeared in May. What's the Point? But I tried to round things out so I could Put a Rainbow In Somebody's Cloud

The Summer months brought The Lowest Point, I was really Losing It, sometimes asking Where Is God In All Of This?. I Hate This ... it's not as bad as it seems and not all my posts with seemingly depressing titles were sad at all. Assume Nothing. After all, my Kid is Defective, so give a break.

The Writing on the Wall in September gave way to A Most Upsetting Thing

Good News! The Autumn brought Sanctuary and Pain Relief because it's Not Just Arthritis, you know. It also brought the Unexpected, both in the Full-ness of life, and the vibrant emotions of Home.

Moving into the new year, I can see there are going to be many changes ahead. I'm going to have to let go of a lot in order to encourage my physical and emotional health. I'm going to have to rethink and rework many aspects of my life and my family's life to make things better for us all. I'm going to have to work at my health harder than I have before. 

I am blessed to be going through this with all of you - and with a house full of rannygahoots!


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