What I Got for Christmas

I got to spend early Christmas Eve morning listening to Christmas music in a quiet house while baking for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day breakfasts and wrapping last-minute gifts.

I got to spend Christmas Eve morning snuggled in bed with my kids watching silly holiday movies.

I got to enjoy Christmas Eve brunch with four generations - from my 93 year old grandmother to my 4 year old daughter - with delicious food, good conversation, and lots of love and laughter shared by all.

I got to do Advent devotions with my family and see the joy on my kids' faces as they unwrapped their Christmas Angel gifts.

I got two wonderful head scarves made by my eldest, who was also my Christmas angel. 

I got to attend worship not once, but twice, which is a good thing since Alia spent part of the sermon during the earlier worship asking me if, when she's an angel in the pageant, we'll attach her to a rope attached to the ceiling so she can fly all over the worship room.

I got to listen to precious children sing.
  I got to nourish not just my soul and my spirit at church, but also my body, eating dinner with church family between worship services. 

I got to sing a joyful song to the Lord during eight o'clock worship, and read the words "for to us a child is born, to us a son is given..."

I got to sleep later than expected Christmas morning, with a bonus snuggler in bed for the last hour or so.

I got to wake up to a dusting of snow - just enough to make it look pretty outside without compromising our drive to church.

I got to see the joy on my kids' faces when they opened their gifts.

I got to spend an entire day with my family focusing on the important things: our Savior's birth, people we love, good food, good company, and the joy we can add to others' lives.

I'd love to say I got a nap ... but I didn't. At least Papa did!

I got two beautiful shirts from my husband and a meditation jar from Coren.

I got Dee's (gluten-free bakery) money of my very own from my parents, along with other fun and amazing gifts. 

And most importantly, I got love. 

I got the gift of a Father's love for all His children - the gift of His son not only that he might die for us, but that he might teach us how to live for others. 

I got the gift of my family's love through hugs and snuggles, laughter, food prepared especially to meet my needs, understanding of my limitations, and allowing me rest.

I got love from friends and strangers at worship as we shared the peace. 

I got just what I wanted - and needed - for Christmas. 

And it isn't over yet!!!


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