a surprise [moment]: camp day twelve


[moment 190]

Day twelve of Camp began with worship at the Big Top Tent and ended with uproarious laughter. 

Among other things, we began our "Camp Comida" Dungeons & Dragons campaign, introducing our characters and starting their time at Camp Comida. Onyx and I are DMing this campaign, and may have gone a little overboard in our non-gameplay related preparations. Each person (except for one who decided to join us right before we started the campaign) has a sticker of their character. Each person received two sets of mini dice, a mini dice tray, a camp comida "campersack" complete with holographic or glitter logo, and some Dungeons & Dragons stickers. And there's more to come.

After introducing ourselves and going on our first hike, first to the Pizza Palace, where toppings had strange effects on the characters, and then to the top of the ridge, where they received their camp supplies at Carn's Emporium of Everything Camp Supplies.

We ended our session with a campfire, during which Fridugis Took (Too-Short-Took), who is ever so slightly forgetful led the singing Mad Libs style. This produced such uproarious laughter simply because of the word "wet" that a couple people nearly passed out. 

Surprise moments like those are the best!

As for the song...

(Original song: The Button Factory)

Camp Comida Version: The Bomb Factory

Surprise! My name is Jerald and I run in a bomb factory. I’ve got a little sister, a field snake, and a family. One day, my professor came up to me and said, Jerald are you wet? I said no! Then shoot this mango with your fang. 


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