[moments] with visitors: camp day 15

 [moment 193]

It's nice when visitors drop in at Camp ... but the other day I got quite the unexpected visitor when the bug pictured above dropped into the bowl in front of me at our camp kitchen table. 

Sometimes visitors don't come to our campsite - they wait for us outside our private bathroom at night. Not only do we have an array of moth visitors, but we have the Guardian of the Bathrooms, who has been hanging out by the bathroom doors for days. 

We also get regular visits from Dennis (the chipmunk) and his friend Dennis (also a chipmunks) and Dennis (the sparrow) who sometimes brings Dennis (also a sparrow). They're more difficult to get photos of, as their visits are either clandestine or too brief. But today I got this slightly blurry photo of Dennis, who decided to once again join me for breakfast. 


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