an ice cream antisocial [moment]: camp day thirteen

[moment 191]

Apparently ice cream socials aren't as appealing as I thought ... at least during a pandemic. 

Eris, Onyx, Austen, and I arrived at the ice cream social in the front courtyard of the Conference Center to see all the picnic tables and all the chairs packed with people. Two people in line ahead of us were wearing masks - everyone else was not. My kids and I were both keeping our distance as much as we could and still be in line and were wearing masks, because I'm on immunosuppressive medications. 

Ice cream and toppings procured, Austen suggested we just take our ice cream and split go back to our campsite, as there were definitely too many people there for our comfort and safety. As we walked around the Conference Center, I suggested that perhaps we sit at the picnic table on the back porch and have our own ice cream antisocial. 

We had a wonderful time, just the four of us!

With covid related deaths up 71% and the positivity rate at 12% where we are now, we will continue to wear masks wherever we go. And to social distance. And to receive unsolicited comments from ableist people about how wearing masks is no longer necessary. And to be "antisocial" so I don't have to risk my life for a cup of ice cream.


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