Connection [Adventure]


[Adventure 293]

Every morning ... early ... like before the sun came up early... I would make my way to the benches by Johnson Hall and attempt to connect to the internet. 

The connection would be made and I'd check the refugee resettlement ministry email. I'd click on an email and lose the connection before it could load. I'd reconnect, read the email, and attempt to share information on our social media pages. Sometimes I'd succeed. Others I'd have to try again and again to make the connection necessary to do so. 

It was nice, though, sitting on the bench, sipping camp coffee, enjoying the sunrise, feeling a huge sense of accomplishment when completing the smallest of internet tasks. 

Sometimes connection is like that. We try to make connections and aren't received as we'd hoped. We try again, and possibly again and again, each time with renewed hope that this time the connection will be strong. It happens this way with people, too. 

Sometimes the connections aren't meant to be, but other times the patience and persistence pay off. We make the connections we seek and hopefully we enjoy the view along the way. 


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