[Adventure] of Forgetting

[Adventure 279]

We go about our days and we forget. 

We forget that now over 701,000 people in the US have died from covid-19 and many more are permanently affected by its long-term effects. 

We forget that there are still over one hundred thousand new cases of covid-19 a day in the US alone. 

We forget that even if we have two or three doses of the covid-19 vaccine in our body, we can still carry and transmit the disease. 

We forget that, even if we have two or three doses of the covid-19 vaccine in our body, we can get sick from the disease and even die from it. 

We forget because it's too painful to remember.

But also because we want to go back to "real life" or "normal life," not willing to accept that this is real and that there will never be the same normal as there was before. 

We forget because we would rather ignore the risk we pose to the vulnerable around us (children too young to get the vaccine, chronically ill people, the elderly) so we can do all the "normal" things. 

I want this to be over. I assume you do, too. So why do we forget that the losses are far greater than perceived personal freedoms and social gatherings? What is it going to take for us to remember that over 4.5 million people have died before making the choices we make every day? When are we going to start doing what it takes for this to be over? 

When are we going to choose not to forget friends and family members and all the precious lives lost to this disease?


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